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October Connect at a glance

How does October Connect work and what’s the added value for your business

Written by Ash
Updated over a week ago
  • Make safe risk decisions faster

  • Enrich your risk analysis

  • Detect fraudulent deals and reduce your risk exposure

Our mission at October is to finance business better. Our data and technology expertise make it easy and fast to say yes to businesses, thanks to a robust risk analysis.

As a lending platform, we are the first users of our technology, October Connect. What also gives strength to our tools is that we tested it over 7 years on SMEs from 5 countries.

October Connect

October Connect is a SaaS solution, which can be integrated into a third-party system via API, based on our decision support technologies that allows financial institutions to instantly create a comprehensive profile of a borrower through a fully digitalised process and make fast and safe risk decisions.

Let us introduce you our 5 in-house scores:

  • Doc X-Ray is a powerful machine-learning based technology to spot manipulated or forged documents and automate document management. Read more about Doc X-Ray

  • Bank X-Ray is a decision support solution that aggregates and analyses banking transactions to monitor cash activity, detect signs of economical distress and unearth suspicious behaviour.

  • Financial X-Ray is an instant credit-risk scoring model trained to estimate the probability of default of a company, based on their financial, macro and behavioural data.

  • Manager X-Ray operates a background check on managers and UBOs. Using different public data sources, it identifies footprints left behind by past fraud attempts, past economic distress and suspicious counter-party behaviour.

  • ESG X-Ray is a fully automated tool tailored for European SMEs that generates a full ESG report to track your portfolio’s ESG impact and align with the SFDR regulation and the European taxonomy. Read more about ESG X-Ray

Benefits from October Connect

October Connect helps you make safe risk decision faster while decreasing your risk exposure and optimise your resources. October connect technology does not surrogate your own credit analysis process, it enhances it.

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