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How to detect fraud attempts using Doc X-Ray?
How to detect fraud attempts using Doc X-Ray?

Interpret our Doc X-Ray alerts

Written by Ash
Updated over a week ago
  • Analysis of the authenticity of all documents uploaded

  • 11 alerts with two level of severity to detect suspicious items and unveil fraud attempts

  • An overall Doc X-Ray score to assess your client’s documentation

Doc X-Ray aims to detect signs of fraud attempts by analyzing the documentation uploaded with a financing case. Doc X-Ray analyzes the file metadata structure and captures data from a document, looking for patterns in structure, font, and labeling, and finally identifying signs of editing.

An overall flag alert is displayed alongside a more detailed analysis, which allows you to investigate each sign of mischief further, as identified by our technology.

How to interpret the Doc X-Ray alerts?

Our technology performs 11 checks on uploaded documents to detect potential fraud attempts. Doc X-Ray raises an alert every time a suspicious element is detected. These alerts focus on:

  • Verifying the content of the document to detect any changes made to the text or images,

  • Checking the structure of the document to detect if the borrower attempted to generate a fake or modified document using document creation tools.

Below are details about the alerts and their level of severity:

Alert name


Alert category


Edited text

Parts of the text have been modified and differ from the text original version. These modifications are highlighted in the document using red boxes.



Inconsistent font

Consecutive letters or numbers have different fonts and sizes compared to the rest of the document. Font inconsistencies are highlighted in the document using yellow boxes. This alert can indicate either a fraud attempt or a mistake in the document.



Overlaid & overlapped text

Block (with or without text) covering an existing text element. In that case, the original text is still visible on the PDF metadata. These modifications are highlighted in the document using yellow boxes.



Purposefully altered document

Multiple versions of a single document have been detected. By clicking on this alert, you can access the Doc comparison tab to compare the original version of the document and the latest version found.

Document structure


Encrypted document

Document protected from modifications. Encrypted documents cannot be analysed by our OCR technology.

Document structure


Questionnable creator tool

The document has been created using a tool allowing modifications on the document, such as Word or Adobe Indesign. The “Creator” can be found in the Doc Info tab.

Document structure


Edited by a suspicious software

The document has been edited using a software allowing modifications on the document, such as Adobe Acrobat.

Document structure


Different creation and modification dates

Every document has a digital signature which includes the creation date and last modification date of a document. If these dates aren’t the same, this means that the document has been modified after its generation.

Document structure


Different generation and upload times

This check calculates the time separating the creation of the document and its upload on October Connect, as a short period of time may indicate potential modifications.

Document structure



To prevent fraudsters who may manage to get around all our checks, we compare the document to a set of similar documents to detect unusual elements. This is only available on French documents.

Document structure


Document integrity

Every PDF source code has a summary table which indicates the structure of the PDF. If the PDF structure doesn’t match with the summary table, the document has been altered.

Document structure


How is the Doc X-Ray flag assigned on a document?

A Doc X-Ray flag is generated as soon as the last uploaded document is analyzed. It can be classified as:

  • Fraudulent: This flag is automatically raised when the document triggers both the “purposefully altered document” and “different creation and modification dates” alerts.

  • Moderate risk: This flag is displayed if either the “purposefully altered document” or “different creation and modification dates” alert is raised on the document. The score will also be set as moderate if any of the following checks generate a moderate risk:

    • Edited by software

    • Questionable creators

    • Inconsistent font

    • Overlaid / Overlapped text

    • Fingerprint

  • Low risk: This flag is displayed if no “fraudulent” or “moderate risk” alert is spotted in the document.

How do we calculate the Doc X-Ray score at the case level?

A score is calculated at the case level for every time you create a new case from your October Connect account. This score is generated based on all the alerts raised in all the documents belonging to the case.

The calculation of this overall score is based on the weight and the severity of every potential alerts that could be detected by Doc X-Ray on any document.

Once we get this value, we compare it with the score obtained by SMEs from similar sector and geography. Depending on how well or bad the company does compared to their peers, we transform this score into a letter going from A to E (overall positive to overall negative).

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