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All CollectionsGet started with October Connect Roles and rights
Which roles and rights can you have on October Connect?
Which roles and rights can you have on October Connect?

Roles and rights management

Written by Ash
Updated over a week ago
  • Sense your authorization within your workspace

  • Have a comprehensive understanding of your workload within the application

With October Connect’s roles and rights management feature Account owners can easily assign a role to coworkers.

Assess October connect roles

In the October Connect application you can be assigned three different role

  • Owner

  • Admin

  • Member

Depending on which role you are assigned, you will have specific authorization as well as limited actions.

Sense your authorization within your workspace

Once October Connect’s account managers create your business account, they will assign it to an Account Owner. It is the first user related to the business account.

As Account Owner or Admin, you have the right to add or remove Members to your organization workspace. Furthermore, you have complete access to the cases, either yours or or those of other Members.

Lastly, Members rights are more restricted. As an Member, you can see only the cases you have created and you have no authorization to add or remove Members.

Who to contact if you need to change your role?

In case you need to upgrade your assigned role, you can request it directly from your October account manager.

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